We were glad to be able to squeeze in two trips this weekend between shifting winds, thunder showers, and changing forecasts. I had Robert and his buddies from work jump onboard during steady rain to venture out on Saturday morning. The ride was nice, and soon enough we were in good water temps and threw the mess out. It was a lesson in frustration as we missed the first few bites, and then after getting the next one to the boat I somehow managed to lose my gaff in the gaffer. That was a first and we got the gaff back and the fish just like my bent butt 50w that jumped overboard at the dock first thing in the morning. Are you guys seeing a pattern develop? We struggled with the East wind but we got our share of bites. I just cannot remember a day where my percentage was so low. Moved inshore to do a bit of bottom bouncing and the guys had a steady pic of seabass, triggers,groupers, small jacks and pinkies. We ended up with 8 gaffers, and a handful of bottom fish in the brine tank. Truly a fun day with a fantastic group of guys.
Turned and headed back out Sunday morning with a coed crowd into a SE bump making it a slower than average ride out. Got into the fish as soon as lines went out in 72.5 degree water. Half the crew was fighting seasickness and I assured them that the weatherman says it will lay down a bit. We collected a good catch of some nice sized gaffers, and only one slinger. Got into a few blackfin in the deep, but, the crew wasn't digging the growing swell out there so we pointed it towards the beach. We picked at them throughout the day right up to the point when a gaffer hit the last line to be cleared as we were heading in early with a healthy box of fish. The last gaffer threw the hook in a beautiful leap at the back of the boat......kinda saying "I am gonna stay out here, see ya when you get back!". 14 of his buddies were riding home with us and a few of his blackfin buddies as well. Fun group as well, and I must say when girls get seasick, they are always much tougher, complain less, and deal with it much better than any guys I have seen.
Sorry about the lack of pictures, I was a busy dude, and the camera stayed in the bag.